Monday, November 10, 2008

It's raining, it's pouring

and I am in London and in need of a fashion fix so,
what better thing to do on a rainy day than indulge in a little window therapy.

After the sunny skies of Sydney, the cold and rain of old London town is something of a shock - especially when you combine it with a serious dose of jet lag. My remedy - because giving in and sleeping during the day means you really will suffer for longer - is to get out and about and pound the pavements.

Where better than the very glamorous Sloane Street, where fashion reigns supreme for all ages. Today it was a wet feast outside but a pretty dry party inside - the financial disasters seem to have hit retail in a big way. There was not a soul looking or buying in the shops.

As I got wetter and wetter I saw these Pucci gumboots and thought maybe they don't look so extravagant after all!

At the top of Sloane Street is the fabulous fashion department store Harvey Nichols - six floors of the latest designer gear, which is all dreamy but the very best thing about HN is the window displays. They must have some of the most creative and clever designers in London. The windows which face Sloane Street and Knightsbridge, more often than not look like an art instillation, not an advertisement for merchandise.

These displays are like the 'where's wally' of windows,

there are so many goodies hiding out amongst the stilettos, ankle boots

and handbags.

and about ankle boots.... just around the corner from Sloane Street is Motcomb Street and

the fashionistas shoe designer of choice, Christian Louboutin - If I had my say I would take these any day over the gumboots.

Further up Motcomb Street I poked my nose up against Ottolenghi - a kind of baby version of New York's Dean and Delucca

and decided ... well I just had to go in.

Sweet treats - my other cure for jetlag!

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