Tuesday, October 26, 2010

from croissants to quesadillas...

Planes, trains and automobiles....40 hours later and I am on the Yucatan Peninsula in Mexico. Surprised....me too....With a family marriage to attend in such an exotic location, nothing could keep me away. I know for my American readers Mexico is but a mere hop and skip away but for us European dwellers it is a mighty jump. Overtired....yes.....the time change is a tough one....over stimulated, extremely excited and still in shock that I am here....the answer is a resounding yes. 

Mr FF and I are staying in the jungle, a million miles from nowhere. There is nothing but dense and verdant vegetation for miles; the silence is deafening apart from an occasional bird call. The humidity is through the roof and the temperature reached 100 today. Our plan is to see as many of the Mayan ruins as we can before moving onto Cancun for the wedding.

First impressions...colour, colour, colour. First mistake.....those quesadillas...I won't be stopping at one....xv

image taken at the hacienda san jose - vicki archer

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