Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Autumn is in the air,

The leaves on our driveway are beginning to fall and the shadows are gradually lengthening as the autumn days get underway. I love this time of year - big blue skies and warm daytime temperatures that drop down in the evening. So, sad as I am that the summer has passed, I look forward to walking in the mountains and wood fires burning of an evening.

This weekend friends came to stay and we did just that - we lazed around the garden, went for a long walk in the Alpilles mountains behind Eygalieres, our next village, and had long lunches outside in the sunshine.

There was sketching in the garden,

A lone flowering iris - the very last of the season I think,

And pomegranates that are turning from citrus green to apricot pink.

We ate delicious dinners, drank too much red wine and watched movies in front of the open fire.

My idea of a perfect weekend.

By the way Ness at Marley &Lockyer has tagged me and these are the rules - now I have never been a superstar with rules so let's hope I get this right,

1) Link to the person who tagged you
2) Mention the rules
3) Tell six quirky yet boring, unspectacular details about yourself
4) Tag six other bloggers by linking to them
5) Go to each person’s blog and leave a comment that lets them know they’ve been tagged

So these are truly unspectacular details about myself:

1.I have just given up coffee ( I am not sure why - sounded like a good idea at the time)
2. I am now drinking mugs of green tea all the time - caffeine is king!
3. Have a thing about my hair - gotta be just right.
4.I have to read before I go to sleep each night - no matter what the time.
5. I read a serious fiction book and then follow it with a trashy novel.
6. I love Carambar's - a French sweet that is a kind of chewy caramel. 

I think I will tag Carla at Carla loves Photography because she is my very great friend and if I have to she has to,
Crave  because you will all love her  fashion blog,
La La Lovely because she is truly lovely,
Fashion is spinach because how cute is that title,
Brown Button because I have just found her,
and last but certainly not least Fifi Flowers Design Decor because anyone who can draw so wonderfully has got to have some fun details to share.

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