Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Inspiration for the Uninspired

{The mother of all inspiration boards belongs to Diane Bergeron}

I'll be honest with you. In my opinion, the most difficult thing about blogging is finding inspiration on a daily basis. It can be challenging to come up with original or unique content on a daily basis, especially now that there are so many design blogs out there. Luckily, most weeks I have plenty of ideas for posts and I sometimes wonder how I will fit it all in. However, every now and then, there will be a week like this one when I just feel uninspired. I have a lot on my plate right now with work and two trips in the next two weeks, so I think that being preoccupied by those things has left my inspiration board a little blank. The good news is that the two trips I am going on should give me plenty to blog about. This weekend I will be visiting my dear friend and her family in California and I'll tell you a little more about the other trip soon. In the meantime, here is a little inspiration in case you are coming up empty handed like I am this week.

Drew Barrymore

Ruthie Sommers

Gwen Stefani

M Design Interiors

Poppy Talk

Ruby Press

Sean Meyers

Carolina Herrera, Jr.

Thomas O'Brien

Michelle Adams of M.A. Belle, Rubie Green, and Lonny Magazine

Barbara Barry



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