Friday, March 20, 2009

Gaming for Girls - Nintendo DS Lite

For this post, we're going to get a little personal instead of the usual decor
photos. I don't know about you, but I've never been a huge "gamer." A
few weeks ago, a marketing company that works with Nintendo contacted
me. At first, I thought it was junk mail but upon opening the email, it
seemed like an interesting proposal.

Before I could blink, I was meeting up with a very nice woman named
Justine (at the Starbucks across from where I work - yes I snuck out
for "coffee.") She's like this jet-setter - she flew from L.A. to Sacramento,
drove to San Francisco to meet me for coffee, went on to San Jose for
another meeting before going back home to L.A. Talk about a packed

The proposal sounded interesting - Nintendo would sponsor a party
just for the gals to get together. Food and drinks would be provided,
gaming stations with Nintendo girls who would show us how to play the
games - and all I had to do was get together the guest list. I submitted
a bio and a photo and hoped for the best.

A couple of weeks later, I received the above package in the mail.
When I saw the pink case and a Nintendo DS lite with pink rhinstone
hearts - I squealed with delight. Then I broke out into a cold sweat...
My task was to bring about 20-25 girlfriends to this party. Did I even
know 25 girls in San Francisco? My friends are pretty scattered and
I hadn't thought about this detail until I got the package...Not very smart.

After brainstorming hard, I sent out my initial guest list and spoke to
some friends and sold the idea (beg? cajole?) to them that the party was
a really cool event even though many of my friends are not really gamers
either. To my pleasant surprise, about 25 women confirmed that they
would come. I thought that the party would be a great place for a mixer so
I encouraged my girlfriends to bring some of their girlfriends. Although
some of my own friends couldn't make it, I ended up meeting some new
girlfriends in the process.

I had been expecting snacks but the food was
absolutely first rate. Some of us hadn't eaten
lunch before hand (the party started at 2PM
on a Sunday afternoon) and so it was perfect.
Did I mention there was wine and champaign?
Who could ask for more?

They rented out a really neat studio in San Francisco and
what's interesting is that they hold these parties around the
country in various large cities. They actually had the furniture
sets specially designed and they truck them to wherever they
have the parties. For or these were arrnaged in a square.
Love the rug and the seating was modular - it reminded me of
low Moroccan styled sofas.

What's funny is that although many of us girls
are not usually gamers, we really got into it.

In this corner, we linked up together to play Super Mario Cart.
With the wireless connections on the DS lites, it was really really
fun to play against each other.

I wonder what these two were up to?
Posing with the pretty lollilops :)

Can you believe there's a module that attaches
onto the DS lite so that you can play Guitar Hero?
Unbelievable - that's me trying really hard to
get the hang of it.

My friend Meredith really loves
word games and crossword puzzles.

Here's Jade on the left - wanted to eat, but wanted to
play too. She ended up with food in her mouth while
strumming away on Guitar Hero.

And this was officially the "shrieking/hysterical" brigade.
I think about 3/4 way through the party, we all of a suddern
heard ear piercing shrieks from this corner. And I mean a lot
of it. Notice them showing off bracelets. Nintendo has these
super cute charm bracelets that they gave out the beginning to
each girl. After completing games in each of the four corners, you
would get a charm.

And what happens when you complete the charm bracelet?
The coolest thing ever was at the end when they actually
handed out Nintendo DS lites with Brain Age to each girl
at the party!! Talk about a great party favor or Schwag.

Hanny and Erin with their new DS Lites.

All I can say is, thank goodness the party ended up being
a huge success because I was sweating bullets for a while.
I was afraid I was going to show up and no one was going
to be there :( It was an absolutely fantastic way to spend
a Sunday afternoon.

One girl had to be literally pried away from Guitar Hero
to take this group photo. Intervention?

What's really funny is that some of the girls went straight
from the party to Best Buy to buy more games. I was really
tickled to hear from many of the girls a week later that they
had done the same.

Since this one was just for us girls - I'm showcasing
girly Nintendo DS lite accessories. Of course you
have to get the DS lite first so I'm all for this pink
one! You can find a great deal for the DS Lite on
Amazon or Ebay.

I love plaid. This pink plaid protective Decal
for the DS Lite is so cool. $12.99 at Amazon.
I don't know about you but I love bundles.
Here's a great bundle that has everything
you need. 17 different items for $18.85. A
pink pointer, charger, a case, screen
protectors and more!
We're talking Girl Power here! Nothing screams
girly like pink and hearts. Why not?

$9.97 for this Pink DS lite case cover.

Anyhow, that's the story of how a decor blogger
came to host a Girl's gaming party. Something
different and it was definitely fun. I'm curious if
any of you also play games or have the Nintendo DS?

Happy Friday!

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