Wednesday, November 3, 2010

A Very Exciting Announcement: High Gloss Magazine!


For the past three and a half years, I have explored my love of writing and design on this blog. I know that I’ve said it before, but never in my wildest dreams would I have imagined the places La Dolce Vita would take me. It has afforded me the opportunity to embark on several amazing adventures, the greatest of which I am sharing with you today. Last winter, I started dreaming up the possibility of creating a fresh, new magazine rooted in interior design, fashion, travel, and entertaining…all of the things that so many of us love and that I have explored with you on a daily basis here on La Dolce Vita for the past several years. My dreams soon turned to plans and I found myself turning to the very friends I’ve made through blogging, asking them to embark on this creative adventure with me.


{The Fantastic High Gloss Team}

It is with much excitement that my amazing team and I would like to announce our stylish new baby, High Gloss Magazine! We have many been hard at work for several months now and have so many new and exciting things in store. We look forward to sharing them with you when our premiere issue hits the virtual newsstands in January! You didn’t think we’d leave you hanging for two months, did you? Until then, we invite you to check out our website and sign up for our weekly newsletter which will be packed with style secrets and tidbits. Please help us spread the word about High Gloss through Facebook and Twitter (please use hashtag #highglossmag).

Thank you for your support throughout the past three and a half years and in this exciting new endeavor! It truly means the world to me.

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