Thursday, November 4, 2010

My Birthday Wish

I am completely humbled at the amazing outpouring of support for High Gloss, the new style magazine that I announced yesterday. I’m sure my sudden and frequent trips to California must make a little more sense now! In all seriousness, it means so much to me to have the support of my readers and the blog community in this new endeavor. Yesterday was so incredible. I received so many kind comments and encouraging emails and I know that my fabulous team did, too. We are all so touched and are so grateful that some people are looking forward to reading High Gloss as much as we are looking forward to sharing it with you.

As if announcing a new style magazine wasn’t enough excitement for one week, today is my birthday! I would love nothing more for my birthday than a little help from my friends. Please help us to spread the word about High Gloss by liking us on Facebook, tweeting about the magazine, or blogging about our exciting new endeavor. We have quite an exciting line-up in store and really hope to thrill you in January when our first issue premieres!

From the bottom of my heart, I thank you for your readership, friendship, and support.

Every Good Wish,


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