Monday, April 12, 2010

Two Glamorous Houston Homes in the New Lonny


The new issue of Lonny is here and I am thrilled to see that it features two gorgeous homes in Houston. One belongs to Paper City Magazine Features Editor, Laurann Claridge and the other belongs to graphic designer, Ashley Putman. Both homes are equally beautiful and inspiring, though each has its own distinct style. There are so many beautiful and unique elements to each abode.

claridge title


{Claridge’s home is filled with many of the elements that come to mind when one imagines a chic Houston home: white slip-covered sofas, zebra, and gilded accents.}


{A Glorious Vignette: The vintage lamp is amazing!}


{Claridge’s bedroom is a true respite. I love the crisp, white linens and the relaxed elegance.}


{Claridge created the illusion of a larger bedroom by installing a wall of mirrors. The 19th-century French armoire is simply stunning. It is made even more special by the fact that it bears her initials on the top; all by happenstance.}


{This little python tray has become a staple in many a chic abode.}


{I love the Greek key shower curtain!}


{My favorite space in Claridge’s home is her stunning office. Books for days and stylish white furniture…what more could one ask for?}

putman title


Ashley Putman’s gorgeous, stately home in one of my favorite areas of Houston (near Rice University) was such a visual treat for me to see in Lonny. Putman managed to marry the traditional architecture of her home with her more modern, eclectic style perfectly. The home feels vibrant, inviting, and its style comes across as effortless.


{A Perfect Example of the Blending of Traditional and Modern in Putman’s Home}


{There is an element of whimsy throughout Putman’s home, as evidenced by this charming parrot pillow.}putman53 {I love the casual elegance of this room. The space, like the entire home feels as if it has been layered and curated over time.}


{This teensy powder bath makes a huge statement. I love the art collection and the Ziyi Sconces from Circa Lighting.}


{The brick flooring looks amazing in the revamped kitchen. Of course, I love the choices Putman made in this room, right down to the beautiful door. The more I see the Eugene pendant from Circa, the more I love it!}


{I love the combination of dark, moody walls with the ultra-feminine bedding in the master bedroom.}


{It’s vignettes like these that make a house a home. I adore the personal touches in this space. Beautiful!}


Both spaces are incredibly chic and are a testament to the amazing style that can be found in Houston. There are elements of each that I am quite enamored with and am not sure if I could pick a favorite bewteen the two. Does one home appeal to you more than the other? What were some of your favorite things about these haute Houston homes?


Image Credit: Patrick Cline for Lonny Magazine

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